Source code for silk_ml.features
import pandas as pd
from scipy.stats import chi2_contingency, ttest_ind
from .plots import plot_categorical, plot_numerical
[docs]def split_classes(X, Y, label):
""" Returns the splited value of the dataset using the requested label
X (pd.DataFrame): Main dataset with the variables
Y (pd.Series): Target variable
label (str): Name of the variable to split
tuple(pd.Series, pd.Series): The `positive` and `negative` data splited
positive = X.loc[Y == 1][label]
negative = X.loc[Y != 1][label]
return positive, negative
[docs]def features_metrics(X, Y, target_name, plot=None):
""" Determines the likelihood from each variable of splitting correctly the dataset
X (pd.DataFrame): Main dataset with the variables
Y (pd.Series): Target variable
target_name (str or None): Target name for reports
plot ('all' or 'categorical' or 'numerical' or None): Plots the
variables, showing the difference in the classes
pd.DataFrame: Table of variables and their classification tests
plot_cat = plot in ['all', 'categorical']
plot_num = plot in ['all', 'numerical']
features = {}
columns = X.columns.tolist()
def is_categorical(column):
# Currify the categorical validation
return len(X[column].unique().tolist()) <= 2
def test_variable(column):
# Currify the call for the p-value calculator
if is_categorical(column):
test, plot = _test_categorical, plot_cat
test, plot = _test_numerical, plot_num
return test(X, Y, column, target_name, plot)
features = {
'cardinality kind': [
'categorical' if is_categorical(column) else 'numerical'
for column in columns
'split probability': [
f'{(100 - test_variable(column) * 100):.4f} %'
for column in columns
return pd.DataFrame(features, index=columns)
def _test_categorical(X, Y, column, target_name, plot_cat):
""" Runs the p-value test for the current variable
X (pd.DataFrame): Main dataset with the variables
Y (pd.Series): Target variable
column (str): Name of the variable to test
target_name (str or None): Target name for reports
plot_cat (bool): Plots the current variable
float: p-value of the variables
if plot_cat:
plot_categorical(X, Y, column, target_name)
cont_table = pd.crosstab(Y, X[column], margins=False)
test = chi2_contingency(cont_table.values)
return test[1]
def _test_numerical(X, Y, column, target_name, plot_num):
""" Runs the p-value test for the current variable
X (pd.DataFrame): Main dataset with the variables
Y (pd.Series): Target variable
column (str): Name of the variable to test
target_name (str or None): Target name for reports
plot_num (bool): Plots the current variable
float: p-value of the variables
positive, negative = split_classes(X, Y, column)
if plot_num:
plot_numerical(positive, negative, column, target_name)
_, p_value = ttest_ind(positive, negative)
return p_value